
2021 Senior Nationals Tournament Date Change – 27-28 March

The 2021 Senior Nationals are currently scheduled for 10-11 April 2021 to be held in Wellington.

The Regions have accepted a date change for Senior Nationals to the weekend ​27-28 March 2021 ​and will be held at Martin Luckie Park, Lavaud Street, Berhampore, Wellington.

The NZL and NZWLA will provide further information and registration details to Regions in the New Year.

Since September, Wellington Lacrosse have been working hard to secure fields. Unfortunately, they have been unable to secure any available fields for the weekend of 10-11 April due to the commencement of winter sports by then.

The NZL and NZWLA appreciate that this will shorten teams’ preparation but ultimately, we feel this is the best outcome to allow the tournament to be hosted in Wellington.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused and greatly appreciate your understanding.

We look forward to seeing you at Senior Nationals.